Don’t Let It Go Over Your Head: 5 Ways to Grow Your Roofing Business

If you’re finding it difficult to grow your roofing business, you may need to try some new marketing strategies.

But if you don’t know much about marketing, you may not know where to begin. Should you partner with other businesses or should you focus on blogging?

Below you’ll find five strategies you can use to grow your roofing business. If your profit levels are currently suffering, these strategies should help your numbers go through the roof.

Let’s begin!

1. Blog

Blogging can be a great way to improve your visibility in the search listings. That’s because your blog posts will show up when people are searching for content related to roofing.

For this to happen, though, you need to create content that your target audience will search for when they have questions about roofing. Such questions might include how much it costs to replace a roof, or even how often a roof should be replaced.

If you’d like to see some blog content that’s related to roofing, the B&C Exteriors website is an excellent place to start.

2. Use Facebook Ads

Facebook has a huge user base, and this means that the company has a lot of ad inventory to offer.

The high levels of ad inventory mean that competition is relatively low. This is good because it allows you to advertise on the platform, without having to fork out a ton of cash.

Success with Facebook Ads comes down to knowing your target audience.

Take some time to create a ‘persona’ of your ideal customer. If you’re not sure how to go about this task, think about some of your existing customers and use their traits to create this persona.

Once you have your persona, you’ll know how to target your Facebook Ads in a way that’ll put your business in front of people ready to spend money with you.

3. Partner With Other Businesses

There’s a good chance that other businesses in your local area cater to people that belong to your target audience. Thus, if you can partner with these other companies, they may be able to send some business your way.

For instance, you may want to approach a local electrician and let them know you’re open to a partnership. You could set things up so that you offer a 10% commission for every customer they send your way.

If you do this with a wide range of businesses, there’s no telling how many leads you’ll be able to generate. 

4. Ask Past Customers for Referrals

You might also want to let your past customers know you have a referral program in place, and you can do this using the strategy covered above. 

That said, it’s worth experimenting with the level of commission you offer. In doing so, you may find a way to generate more sales with this form of marketing.

5. Advertise in the Local Classifieds Booklet

Advertising in the local classifieds booklet is a great way to reach people that aren’t internet savvy.

If you’re going to place an ad in a classifieds booklet, be sure to enlist the help of an expert graphic designer. They’ll know how to create an ad that’s eye-catching and thus likely to generate interest in your services.

Ready to Grow Your Roofing Business?

The tips we’ve explored in this post should help you generate more revenue for your roofing business.

That said, it’s hard to say which tactic is going to work best, as marketing strategies can often be hit and miss.

But as long as you’re willing to try everything we’ve covered, you should soon find a way to take your roofing company to the next level.

Thinking about creating some business cards for your roofing company? Read this post to learn how you can go about things the right way.