The 7 Best Office Plants To Create A Better Workplace

Office plants do more than just brighten up your space. They can also offer a range of other benefits, including reducing stress, increasing productivity, and even cleaning the air in your office.

But before you start buying plants based on how they look, it’s important to learn what types of plants are best for an office environment. Otherwise, you’ll likely find yourself needing to replace your plants just a few weeks after buying them.

Keep reading to learn 7 of the best office plants to choose from.

1. Spider Plant

The Spider Plant is one of the best office plants, not to mention one of the most popular.

One of the biggest reasons that these plants appear in so many offices and other indoor space is because they are extremely adaptable. They don’t need much light or even much care, making them great for busy offices or spaces away from windows.

Spider Plants get their names from the small bulbs that grow at the end of their long leaves. These bulbs start as tiny white flowers, but then drop off the plant. They can be planted and will begin to sprout new Spider Plants.

Another reason why Spider Plants make good office plants is their ability to purify the air around them. In one study, a Spider Plant removed 95 percent of toxic substances from the air in a locked chamber that it was placed in.

2. Pothos

Pothos are another great choice for office plants.

This plant consists of long vines with thick green and white leaves growing from them. As they grow, the vines will drape over the edge of their pot, giving filing cabinets or desks a pretty, natural look.

If the vines on your Pothos get too long, simply cut them and submerge the cut end in water. Within a few weeks, they’ll begin to sprout roots, forming a new plant.

Like the Spider Plant, Pothos need very little light, making them ideal for offices without many windows.

3. Ficus Trees

If you’re looking for a larger plant to act as a divider or focal point in your office, a Ficus Tree is a great choice.

Ficus look like small trees, with a thin, brown trunk and a head of branches covered in green leaves. They grow taller and wider, but do so slowly, and won’t outgrow your indoor space.

Ficus Trees are more difficult to care for than some of the other office plants on this list. They need bright light, but it needs to be indirect or filtered. They cannot tolerate drafts or temperatures below 60 degrees Fahrenheit, so they shouldn’t be placed under air vents or near drafty windows.

If you’re looking for a focal point plant that is hardier than the Ficus, there are plenty of other options out there, like Palms and Cane plants. This website offers a variety of large plants perfect for an office space.

4. Succulents and Cacti

Succulents and Cacti are having a big moment right now. These trendy plants require very little care, and some varieties only need to be occasionally watered.

Succulents and Cacti are available in a variety of colors, shapes, and sizes. Some bloom with bright flowers while others sprout long, thick arms.

One downside to using Succulents or Cacti in an office space is that they require a lot of light to thrive. But if you have plenty of windows in your office, these can add a great modern, natural touch to your space.

5. Snake plant

If you don’t have the light for Succulents or Cacti, or want something hardier than a Ficus Tree, a Snake Plant is another great office plant.

The long green and white leaves of the Snake Plant are big enough to create a focal point in your office. They are also great at extracting toxins from the air. They don’t require much light or care, so you can place them throughout any office, and they’ll thrive.

6. Lemon Balm

Many good office plants, while hardy, aren’t very fragrant. Very few flowering plants are suited for growing in low-light, indoor conditions. Or they are simply too week to hold up and thrive in an office environment.

But flowering plants are far from the only option if you’re looking for a fragrance.

The aptly-named Lemon Balm plant has a sweet, lemony scent that is sure to brighten the mood of anyone close to it.

The Lemon Balm plant is also hardy and can thrive in either sunshine or shade, making it perfect for any type of office.

This plant does require plenty of moisture, so be prepared to water it often to keep it alive.

7. Peace Lily

Peace Lilies are a great choice for indoor office plants for several reasons.

To start, they thrive in the shade. You can place them anywhere in your office, even if it’s far from windows, and they’ll continue to grow.

Even though they do produce large, pretty blooms, these white flowers grow on sturdy stalks. This means that they won’t break off easily if placed in a high-traffic area, at least not until the bloom gets too large for its stalk to support.

Like many of the other office plants on this list, numerous studies have found that the Peace Lily is one of the best plants for removing VOCs from the air and improving indoor air quality.

Choosing the Best Office Plants

Which of the options on this list are the best office plant for you largely depends on your office and the amount of time you’re willing to devote to its care.

Office plants like Ficus Trees look great but require plenty of care and a particular environment to thrive. But plenty of the other plants on this list do not require much care and can thrive in sunshine or low-light conditions.

Looking for other ways to boost productivity and happiness among the employees in your office? Check out this article next for a few ways that you can use your office design to increase productivity.

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