Clever Ways to Use Military Challenge Coins in Your Marketing Strategy

It’s no secret that promotional products are still one of the most effective ways to generate buzz about your brand. They can also ensure that your brand sticks in the minds of your leads and customers for as long as possible.

But it’s time to think beyond the branded tote bag, the USB key with your company’s name on it, or the all-too-tired branded pen or pencil.

If you’re looking to take your promotional products and marketing tools to the next level, then we suggest giving US challenge coins a go instead.

But what exactly are military challenge coins? And how can you use them as an effective branded marketing tool?

Keep on reading this post when you’re ready to find out.

What Are Military Challenge Coins?

Before we get into what makes challenge coins a unique and effective marketing tool for businesses in any industry, let’s make sure that you know the awesome history of the coins.

Originally, the coins were given to military members as a way to build camaraderie and a sense of brotherhood between units.

When one person pulled out their coin and held it up, the other soldiers had to do the same. The last person to pull out their coin — or the one who left theirs at home — had to buy drinks for everyone else.

In today’s world, the coins are still used in the military. But now they come with a wider variety of meanings.

In some cases, the coins are a way to thank someone for their service.

They can even be used as a signal that a person needs help or is feeling depressed.

Now, businesses have started to adopt the challenge coin idea when it comes to creating a sense of teamwork between employees and marketing their brand.

Collectible Challenge Coins for Your Business

The challenge coins you use to market your business should include your logo, phone number, and company colors.

We especially love the idea of creating a series of collectible challenge coins that commemorate specific events.

You can give out these coins at your famous annual sale, or at a company picnic you’ve hosted. You can even slip them in the shopping bags of customers who come to your store during a grand opening.

Switching up the designs of your coins is a great way to generate buzz — and to encourage people to shop more in order to collect them all.

The coins are also an awesome way to show your customers just how much you appreciate them. For example, someone could get a new coin with their name printed on it every year that they continue to do business with you.

The coin is a tangible reminder to your loyal customers of just how much you appreciate having the chance to work with them.

Challenge Coins and Your Nonprofit

Using military challenge coins to market your nonprofit is incredibly effective.

Especially if you work in a nonprofit related to mental health or helping children, the coins can be more than just an ad for your business — they can also be a tool.

For example, if your company is a tutoring center, you can give your students a coin with your company’s name and phone number on it. When they need homework help in the future, all they have to do is take out the coin and hand it to their parents.

Or, they may even be able to call the number of the homework help hotline printed on the challenge coin, and speak with one of your employees directly.

Challenge coins are an awesome way to take the stigma out of asking for help, because they allow people to do so in a more discreet manner.

Plus, they can also help to spread the word about all of the good your nonprofit does.

A Cost-Effective Marketing Tool

No matter the size of your business, we know that you’re always looking for cost-effective marketing options.

Military challenge coins are one of the best “swag” options out there because they’re lightweight, small enough to fit inside someone’s pocket or wallet, and incredibly affordable.

Plus, while other promotional products might be trendy now (fidget spinners, anyone?) they won’t always have the kind of classic staying power that challenge coins do.

You don’t want to end up wasting money on fad-based promotional products.

Check out the Custom Challenge Coins website to learn more about how to save by buying in bulk without having to sacrifice quality as a result.

The website offers a wide variety of different coin types and design options. This way, no matter how big or small your current budget is, you’ll still be able to create a coin that delivers real results.

Ready to Make Military Challenge Coins a Part of Your Marketing Strategy?

When it comes to helping you to make just as much of a powerful impact on your target market in person as you do online, there are few things as effective as military challenge coins.

Not only do challenge coins come with a beautiful and unique history, but they’re also a tangible reminder of your business, its contact information, and even your branding strategy.

Of course, using a commander’s coin is far from the only effective way to promote your business. Keep reading our posts to learn all about creative ways to brand and market your company.

Then, use our extensive online business database in order to connect with the right professionals to make your marketing dreams and ideas a reality.