4 Joint-Saving Tips for Creating An Ergonomic Workstation

You work hard every day at the office. But recently, you’ve noticed that all that sitting, time spent staring at your computer screen, and even picking up and putting down the phone is taking a physical toll on you.

It’s even starting to make you dislike your company.

Problems like obesity, back strain, and even computer neck are on the rise all across the country.

So, what’s the solution?

You need to figure out how you can create a more ergonomic workstation for the 40+ hours a week that you spend at the office.

This post is here to help.

In it, we’ll tell you everything you need to know about how to create a workstation that’s better for your posture — and your overall health.

1. Rethink Your Chair

The most important part of an ergonomic workstation?

Your chair.

There are several elements worth taking into consideration when you’re shopping for the right model.

First of all, look for ones with a great cushion, or consider buying a separate one. This will help you to take the pressure off your coccyx, and keep your spine in a neutral and aligned position. It also helps to put less pressure on your lower back.

Also, make sure the chair allows you to adjust both your backrest height and the height of the seat itself. We suggest angling the backrest as far forward as is comfortable. This will help to stop you from slouching.

Look for a chair with superior lumbar support, which will further help with the alignment of your lower spine.

To help ensure that your elbows and forearms stay parallel to the floor and as close to a 90-degree angle as possible, we recommend buying a chair that has armrests.

Looking for the right office chair for yourself or your team members?

If so, check out the Sit Back & Relax website to find a model that helps you to improve office ergonomics and stay comfortable throughout the workday.

2. Upgrade Your Accessories

There are several ergonomic computer desk accessories that will help to improve your posture and ensure that you’re not putting too much pressure on your neck and back.

You should consider investing in a footrest — especially if you’re on the shorter side and you’re not able to adjust your desk. This will help you to maintain a good line of sight on your computer, without having to tilt your neck too far forward.

You should also look into putting a few study books, or even pieces of wood, up underneath your computer. This will also ensure that your computer is closer to eye level.

Additionally, especially if you work in sales, consider switching from a telephone receiver to a headset. This will help you to avoid repetitive movements. You may even need to buy a document holder, preferably one that allows you to adjust the height and distance from your eyes.

3. Reposition Your Desktop Items

Part of having an ergonomic computer desk means taking a hard look at how and where you place the things on top of it.

When it comes to your mouse and keyboard, make sure that they’re as close to one another as you can make them. This will help to prevent you from breaking that 90-degree and parallel alignment we talked about earlier.

You should also see if you can invest in a desk with a keyboard shelf that you can pull out and adjust according to your height and sitting position.

We also suggest investing in a small desk lamp. While not exactly ergonomic, eye strain causes huge problems when it comes to your work environment. Especially if you spend more than four hours every day in front of a computer screen, indirect lighting is a must.

If you’re able to, make it a priority to look up and away from your screen about once every 20 minutes.

When in doubt, speak to a chiropractor.

4. Take Things into Your Own Hands

Investing in an ergonomic desk and repositioning the items on top of it are, of course, essential steps to decreasing your risk for long-term complications of bad posture.

But you also need to make sure you’re doing your part.

When you sit at your desk, make sure that your hands and arms are directly parallel to the ground.

You should also consider standing for about five minutes after you’ve been sitting for half an hour. After all, sitting is the new smoking! Even if you can’t exactly wander around your office, consider investing in a standing desk or simply standing when you’re taking calls.

Also, aim to lower the number of repetitive movements that you do. This is because even if you’ve taken the steps to create an ergonomic workstation, you won’t get the benefits of one if your movements are too repetitive.

The solution?

Switch up the work tasks you do about every 30-40 minutes. This will allow your arms and body to move in a different way. If you can’t do that, then switch your posture or take a quick stretch break.

Create an Ergonomic Workstation with These Tips

We hope that this post has helped you to better understand how you can create a better and more ergonomic workstation for your office.

Are you looking to connect with the best office furniture suppliers?

In need of a qualified chiropractor to help to counter the effects of sitting at your desk all day?

Our website can help.

Use our business database to help you access trusted and experienced professionals in your area.

Then, be sure to check out our blog for more advice on how you can make the most out of every workday.

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