How To Find An Insurance Agent You Can Trust

Every insurance agent is different and unique, just like the individual people that they offer their services to.

When you’re looking for a new insurance agent, try to remember that there is more for your insurance agent to do than just sell you a new policy.

It would be a rookie mistake to choose an agent based only on their ability to get you a low price for a policy.

Are you trying to find an insurance agent? Here are some tips on finding the best one for you and your family.

Ask Around

There is nothing more powerful in today’s world than word of mouth. This is a great way to find an insurance agent.

Ask some friends that you trust, or maybe even some family members for their insurance agents, or people who they have had luck with in the past. Listen to each of their reasons and consider them.

It isn’t necessarily important to get the nicest insurance agent or the one who sends the best birthday cards. You want one with experiences, one who is close to home.

A lot of times, it’s preferential to have appointments in person with your insurance agent. A good agent will want to know you personally as their client. Better yet, there’s really nothing that can substitute for an insurance agent who is also an active member of your community.

You could select an agent who works for just one insurance company or one that works independently.

If your agent can represent multiple companies, they have the flexibility to find you the right company and policy to suit your needs. But you might prefer your agent to just work with one company if it’s one you trust and have had good experience with in the past.

Either way, you want to find an insurance agent that has your best interest in mind, like LifeNet Insurance Solutions, not one that is interested only in his or her commissions.


You are absolutely entitled to interview as many insurance agents as you want. It’s best to interview two or three at the very least.

Ask them specific questions, just like you would with an accountant or a lawyer. Talk to them about your specific situation and see who would give you the best advice.

This can be a difficult process. It’s long and can require a lot of time and energy.

But it’s the sort of thing that is absolutely worth it. Once you have someone on your side who is an expert, you’ll have someone who knows what they’re doing and who can benefit you in the long run.

You’ll be better protected, your assets will be better protected, and you’ll feel confident in your decision.

Ask to see a resume. Ask about an agent’s experience. There is nothing wrong with asking these questions.

In fact, they’re very important to the interviewing process. You can also ask for references. A good agent will have plenty of clients who can give them a positive, enthusiastic reference and recommendation.

When you sign on with an agent, you are putting yourself in a place of vulnerability. You’ll be providing that person with a lot of personal information. You need to be able to trust that this person will handle you and your information with care and professionalism.

If at any point in this interview process you feel like the agent you are interviewing is only after you to sell a policy, look somewhere else.

Find an Expert

When you are looking for an agent, find one who is a true insurance expert. You want someone who can guide you on how to fill out a claim in the right way. Doing this makes sure that you’ll get paid as much as possible for each one of your claims.

Also, if you have to get into a dispute about a claims payment to the claims department, a good, experienced agent will have no problem making your case to them.

Your needs as a client will change from year to year. Your agent must be able to tell you how those changes will come about and what you should do about them.

Another area in which your prospective insurance agent could be an expert is by having advanced certifications. These things reveal important information about your agent.

Try to find an agent with advanced designations like Chartered Property Casualty Underwriter (CPCU), Chartered Life Underwriter (CLU), Accredited Adviser in Insurance (AAI), or a Certified Insurance Counselor (CIC).

When your agent shows that they have a commitment to advanced education and growth, it’s a good sign.

And don’t underestimate an understanding of different industries, either. If an agent has knowledge or experience in other trades, they could have a different insight into insurance.

Check Their Background

It’s imperative that your chosen agent has an up to date license and that they meet the state’s requirements. Do not be afraid to ask for your agent’s license.

It’s also a great idea to check for any complaints against a specific agent.

Check to see if your state insurance office has a place on its website for you to check the status of your agent. Many of them will also let you see whether or not there are any complaints against them.

There is nothing wrong with making sure that your insurance agent is a good one.

Find an Insurance Agent Who is Right for You

Your goal is to make sure that you find an insurance agent who has the proper licensing, a great track record, and the ability to put your interests first. There’s no point otherwise.

You want the best insurance agent possible. We’re here to help you find that. For more help finding agents or businesses that are right for you, visit our site today!

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