Is Outpatient or Inpatient Drug Rehab Better For You?

If you’re tired of living in addiction and ready to seek help, the right rehab program can make all the difference.

Accepting treatment may be one of the best decisions you ever make.

Most rehab programs require a commitment of time, effort, and money. But, the value of achieving freedom from addiction is priceless.

Before you make a decision, you need to know what type of program will best support your needs. It’s important to feel confident that your investment and sacrifice will offer you the best chance of success.

Are you trying to decide which type of treatment is best for you?

Read on to learn everything you need to know about the differences between outpatient and inpatient drug rehab.

What are My Treatment Options?

There are all kinds of treatment options available if you are struggling with addiction. But what works for one patient may not work for another.

One of the biggest differences is that some are inpatient drug rehab centers and others are outpatient treatment programs.

Since this is likely to be one of the top deciding factors in your treatment, once you understand more about inpatient vs outpatient services, your choice will likely be much easier.

Inpatient Drug Rehab Vs. Outpatient Treatment

Some treatment centers offer one option or the other. But, there are those that have both types of programs available to patients.


Outpatient treatment is not necessarily cheaper.

Sometimes, insurance is accepted for inpatient programs, which can cost less than if you were to private-pay for a program. For example, Recovery in Motion affordable rehab center accepts most insurances and offers both types of programs so you can choose which is best for you.

Many people are not aware that outpatient treatment can cost tens of thousands of dollars.

For example, one Connecticut home-based outpatient rehab program charges an up-front, out of pocket fee of $38,000 dollars per year. They accept insurance from only one company, so most patients are left with paying the full cost should they choose this route. For most, this would be difficult, if not impossible, to pay.

Intensity of Treatment

Another consideration for the patient is the intensity that an inpatient treatment program offers.

Because inpatient drug rehab provides round the clock services, you’re likely to have the benefit of a more intense experience. These programs are also often able to host a wide range of therapies, counseling, and physical and mental exercises to combat the power of addiction.

For many addicts, intensive treatment offers the greatest support. This intensity level may be necessary to help you achieve and maintain sobriety. Once you’re ready, you may be given the option to transition into the outpatient program if you choose.

Outside Support

Outpatient programs are more likely to spend their time focusing on the patient, while inpatient treatment often incorporates the patient’s outside support system, including family and loved ones.

A program that involves and educates your outside support system can help make your transition after treatment easier and decrease your chance of relapse. It’s important to the addict’s recovery that they have a supportive network that understands the truth about addiction.

Find Out More!

Rehab is a big decision. It helps to find out as much as possible prior to choosing a treatment program.

Want to find out more about the options available to you or a loved one?

Check out our post on how you to find the right drug rehab program so you or your loved one can get the help needed to overcome addiction.

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