How to Get Rid of Stubborn Fat: 7 Helpful Tips

From 2017 to March 2020, the prevalence of obesity in the US was 41.9 percent. However, there are many of those who are trying their best to lose the excess weight. It may be hard sometimes, as no amount of cardio and dieting seems to help it go away.

You have to put in a bit of work and do things the right way to see results. Most likely, you’ll need to start paying attention to eating healthier and getting some sort of exercise. 

Don’t worry; we’ve got all the tips on how to get rid of stubborn fat and keep them off. Keep reading to know more.

1. Cut Out Processed Foods

One simple but very effective way to eliminate stubborn belly fat is to cut out processed foods. Processed foods are loaded with unhealthy ingredients that can wreak havoc on your weight loss efforts.

The best way to avoid processed foods is to eat more whole, unprocessed foods like fruits, vegetables, and lean protein. These foods are not only more nutritious, but they will also help to keep you feeling fuller longer so that you are less likely to indulge in unhealthy snacks.

2. Choose Healthy Fats

Healthy fats are essential because they help to keep you full and they also help to boost your metabolism. Avoid saturated and trans fats and instead opt for unsaturated fats. There are two types of unsaturated fat: polyunsaturated fat and monounsaturated fat.

Consuming an adequate amount of polyunsaturated fats will not cause weight gain, but it will certainly satisfy your body’s need for fat. This type of fat can be found in certain fish, nuts, and seeds.

Monounsaturated fats are considered healthy as they provide certain health benefits. The American Heart Association recommends eating monounsaturated fats like avocado, nuts, and seeds and avoiding saturated and trans fats.

3. Drink Plenty of Water

Water is essential for weight loss. Drinking plenty of water helps to boost metabolism, cleanse the body of waste products, and keep you feeling full. It is important to drink eight glasses of water per day, and even more if you are exercising or sweating heavily.

If you are having trouble reaching your daily water intake goals, try carrying a water bottle with you throughout the day or setting reminders on your phone. Staying hydrated is essential for health and weight loss, but sometimes water can seem boring.

If you are looking for ways to make your water more interesting, try adding slices of fruit, cucumber, or mint.

4. Increase Your Protein Intake

One of the most important nutrients for weight loss is protein. Protein requires more energy to digest than other nutrients, so it can help boost your metabolism. A high protein diet decreases appetite and alters many weight-regulating hormones as well.

According to the Dietary Reference Intake, the protein intake requirement for an average woman and man should be 46 grams and 56 grams, respectively. But where do you get more protein?

You can get protein from tofu, eggs, lean meat, oats, tuna, and yogurt, to name a few. A large boiled egg actually has 13 grams of protein and contains no carbs, which is a good thing to eat for breakfast.

5. Do High-Intensity Interval Training

Both those who are currently in good physical shape and those who are less active can enjoy the benefits of exercising, especially from high-intensity interval training.

HIIT mixes bursts of vigorous exercises with periods of light exercise or rest. Incorporating HIIT in other kinds of exercises such as cycling, swimming, walking, swimming, kettlebell lifting, and Zumba classes is undoubtedly a great idea to make it more effective.

Evidence suggests that the fat-burning potential of HIIT is even greater in obese people with a high fat mass. Moreover, it is imperative to be consistent when it comes to doing your exercises so that you can ensure that you will lose the stubborn fat in your body.

6. Consuming Low-Calorie Foods

When it comes to weight loss, consuming low-calorie foods is one of the most helpful tips. This is because by consuming fewer calories, you will be able to lose weight and keep it off in the long term.

Additionally, low-calorie foods tend to be more filling and satisfying, which can help to prevent overeating. To ensure you are consuming enough low calorie foods, include a variety of fruits and vegetables, lean protein, and whole grains in your diet.

There are also apps that you can use to monitor your calorie intake. These are going to be helpful for you to succeed in your calorie deficit efforts.

7. Go for Medical Intervention

One of the most extreme and effective ways to get rid of stubborn fat is through medical intervention. This could involve liposuction, which is a surgical procedure that involves suctioning out fat cells from specific areas of the body.

It’s important to note that this is the last resort option and should only be considered if diet and exercise haven’t worked.

Other medical interventions include fat freezing and laser treatments, which work by destroying fat cells. These procedures are usually done in a series of sessions and aren’t considered permanent solutions.

If you are interested in this option, and you have to decide whether to go for liposuction vs coolsculpting, it is best that you thoroughly discuss these procedures with your doctor. Ask all the questions that you have in mind so that you can fully understand what you will go through and make the best decision.

Don’t Stop Until You Have Found the Solution on How to Get Rid of Stubborn Fat

If you’re looking for answers on how to get rid of stubborn fat, try following these 7 helpful weight loss tips. Cutting out processed foods, eating more protein and fiber, and including healthy fats in your diet can all help reduce body fat.

Incorporating regular exercise into your routine is also key in helping to burn off stubborn fat. Don’t give up if you don’t see results right away – consistency is key!

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