7 Benefits of Shopping for Instacart

Did you know Instacart has over 12,000 employees? More and more people are seeing the benefits of shopping for Instacart, so this number grows practically every day.

Are you curious if Instacart could be a good job opportunity for you? Are you looking for flexible jobs to make some extra money?

If you want to learn more about becoming an Instacart shopper, continue reading to see the seven excellent benefits of this opportunity!

1. Ease of Applying

Applying to be a shopper is easy! You can pick from being an in-store shopper and having a part-time job or opt for a contract position where you shop and deliver groceries.

Applying for both is simple and only takes a few minutes. You can learn more about Instacart jobs here.

2. Flexible Schedule

If you become an in-store shopper, you get to set your availability and they schedule you within it. However, if you contract and become a shopper and delivery person, you can decide to work whenever you want! 
This is perfect if you have an unpredictable schedule.

All you have to do is open the app and see what orders are available.

3. High-Tech

All communication and activity are done through an app. This means all you really need is your phone, yourself, and transportation to get started with this job!

You won’t have to worry about purchasing extra equipment, which takes some stress away.

4. Get Movement In

Working for Instacart is a fairly easy job to have, but it doesn’t involve sitting for the entire day. Instead, you’ll be walking and moving around. This means you get in some exercise naturally throughout the day.

5. Help People in Need

Most people order through Instacart because they can’t make it to the grocery store themselves. This could be because it’s too hard to shop with small kids, their work schedule is crazy, or they can’t get around easily anymore.

So when you shop for people, you’re helping make their lives easier!

6. Good Pay

If you contract with Instacart, your pay is partially in your hands. You get base pay and tips. So the faster you shop, the more money you will make.

Plus, the better you shop, the more likely you are to get a great tip. Your earning potential is virtually limitless!

7. Minimal Wear on Your Car

Delivering food requires you to complete many orders, which means more driving. 

If you deliver groceries instead of takeout, you’re fulfilling fewer orders because they take more time. Because of this, the wear and tear on your car are much less in comparison to other side-hustle delivery jobs.

Shopping for Instacart: A Great Option

Shopping for Instacart is a great way to make some extra money or work full time while creating your own schedule. Plus, you get to enjoy many other benefits from helping people to working with good technology to getting paid more.

Why not try it out today and see if it’s a good fit for you?

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