How to Start a Facebook Business Account

It is well established that Facebook is more than just a platform to share photos with your friend and family. It is also now one of the primary tools used in digital marketing for startups and large businesses. 

There are countless benefits to setting up a Facebook business account, from finding new customers to boosting your brand’s recognition. 

So, stick around and we’ll show you just how straightforward it is to open a Facebook business page. 

First Thing’s First

Before setting up the account, there are a few things you need to have prepared beforehand. 

  • Open a Facebook account. A business account cannot be created without a “Personal” account.
  • A profile and cover photo.
  • A call to action 

Setting up a Facebook Business Account

Once you have your personal account set up, you want to access the “Pages” option in the navigation menu on the left of the screen. It should have an orange flag icon accompanying it. After clicking “Pages” a “Create A New Page” button will appear. This is the button you want to click to start a business page.

From here, you want to fill in the 3 fields that you are given, including your business’ name and category. The “Category” field should be filled with a variety of descriptions that categorize your business’ services. You can add up to 3.

The final field entitled “Description” should have a summary of your business’ operation. Keep it brief but impactful, there is only a 255 character limit. 

You’ll notice a mockup of your page on the right that updates itself as you fill in the fields. Once you are happy with what you’ve written, press the “Create Page” button to publish your new business page. 

Add Images

At this point, it would be wise to add your profile and cover images. this profile picture must be at least 180 pixels wide. For this reason, we recommend that it is clear and minimalistic as it spends most of its time as a tiny image in the Facebook feed.

The cover image proportion is a little more complex. Facebook recommends a 1,640 x 856. So, ensure that the picture you choose is of appropriate quality to reflect the dignity of your brand.  

Edit Page Info and Button

Now we have the basics out of the way, it’s time to do more advanced work on your new business Facebook account.

The “Edit Page Info” allows you to input more detailed information regarding your business such as your privacy policy, contact options, and opening times. 

The “Edit Page Button” is where your call to action is involved. This option offers a wide selection of calls to action like “Follow” “Get A Quote” etc. 

Bring It to Life

Once you’ve brought your setup to completion, you’re finally ready to put your site to work. You can use the messaging and promotion tools on your page to connect with customers. You can create high-quality posts regarding your services and even run Facebook Ads to seek out new contacts. 

Time Is of the Essence

Having a Facebook business account is not only convenient, but it’s also essential.

Nowadays, a business without a Facebook account communicates to potential clients that your company is not fully established, or has something to hide. So, it’s crucial that you not only know how to start a Facebook account but that you also know how to use it to your brand’s advantage. 

So, time is of the essence! Don’t let your competitors get one up on you because you overlooked this vital platform.

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