A Simple Guide to Digital Brand Marketing

Did you know that 70% of consumers say they want to learn about products and services through digital content? They want online instead of traditional advertising!

Branding is now about more than your logo, colors, and typography. Those things that grace your office and outdoor signage, it’s also about your digital brand marketing. How does your brand behave and move online? How does it interact with your customers?

Digital brand marketing doesn’t have to be a crazy complicated process. It’s about forming a solid foundation upon which to build your brand, offline and online. 

Branding and Marketing 

In order for us to have a look at digital brand marketing, we need to understand the difference between the two is and also how they work together. 

Branding should be the foundation upon which you build your marketing initiatives, it is the shape of your brand. Branding is made up of your values and mission, it’s made up of what makes your brand unique. It’s your logo, your colors, your tone and voice, and your brand’s personality. 

Marketing is the tools that you use to take your products and services to market, it’s the ‘how’ in connecting with your customers. 

Digital Brand Marketing

Digital brand marketing is essentially an extension of your brand. Your brand’s identity is all about who you are. It’s about what your company stands for, the personality, the tone, and the voice: all these things put together are what makes your brand. 

Digital brand marketing is about how you take that brand and transform it. All while sticking to all the same fundamentals, for use in your digital marketing efforts. 

What Is Digital Branding?

Digital branding is the design and building of your brand online. You do this through the use of websites, social media platforms, video and images, and more. Basically, digital branding is the combination of your digital marketing efforts and your internet branding strategy. 

But it’s important to note that digital brand marketing is the act of implementing digital marketing tactics. This is done whilst still staying aligned with your branding strategy.  

Digital Branding Benefits

A well-crafted digital presence is how your ideal target audience will interact and engage with your brand online. Branding that is done right will foster a long-lasting relationship with your customers through building trust and creating quality content. 

  • Digital brand marketing will allow you to really target your ideal customer, right down to where they live and the lifestyle they lead if you do it right
  • Doing it digitally allows you to create meaningful connections with customers and engage with them regularly 
  • It gives you the platform to get the word out fast about news, last-minute promotions and sales, and just about anything else 

If your digital branding has followed a detailed strategy from the outset for growth and design, then you’re bound to have an aligned digital presence that truly represents your brand. Learn more about digital brand marketing to find success online — it’s the key. 

Find Digital Branding Success

Digital brand marketing isn’t just about putting your products online and hoping for the best. There’s a real passion that goes into showcasing your brand in the right way so that you can build and maintain a loyal customer base, that’s the ultimate objective. 

Head on over to the marketing and promotion section of our website for more strategic content for your brand.