What Is Local Marketing And How Can I Do It Better?

The Web gave every business an opportunity to build a presence.

At first, this access is a thrill and has you hyped about all its possibilities. Then, you realize that every business in your market is a competitor.

One way to cut through the noise and stay competitive is by going local.

A revolutionary idea, ain’t it?

Chuckle at the thought but many businesses skimp on local marketing. They’re too enamored by the Web that they forget the opportunity that lies in their backyard!

Here’s how to stand out, get sales, and not feel (as) stressed about competitors.

What Is Local Marketing?

Local marketing isn’t one ‘thing’ as it’s more a collection of strategies. These strategies build a stronger brand presence in your area. Local marketing tactics can include both online and offline strategies.


The context when someone says “local marketing” usually refers to online visibility.

The line between local marketing and online marketing blurs — for a good reason. A majority of business discovery begins with an online search. So, to rank well in Google means you’re already well upon your journey in getting found.


Local marketing helps your business get discovered by locals.

The Basics of Local Business Marketing

Local marketing starts with setting a goal:

  • Create more awareness
  • Generate more sales
  • Have people return
  • Encourage sharing

Marketing then starts forming by refining your business’s unique selling point, or its unique value proposition. This is what makes your business and products worthwhile.

From there, you’ll do research — getting data on:

  • Audience and customers
  • Competitors and partnerships

Combining the goal + USP + research forms your local marketing strategy. It offers insights on winnable campaigns and the tactics to reach business goals. Now, you can delegate tasks and execute strategies to amplify your reach.

Local Marketing Ideas (To Get Things Started)

Now let’s explore some local marketing tactics.

Create an Engaging Website

Think of the website as your central “hub” of online activity. Your local marketing campaigns drive people back to the website. There, copy and creative do their thing in convincing people to buy from your business.

What makes a good website that ranks well in local search?

  • An attractive design
  • Optimized web pages
  • Localized content
  • Speed and accessibility

See the website as you would the physical presence. Have the site speak to those in your neighborhood and town/city. Draw out that small business vibe.

Get Listed in Google

Google My Business is one of the easiest ways to get found in search. These are the listings you’ll find when searching for businesses in Google. They also offer advertising opportunities to further cut through the noise and competition.

Getting started with GMB is easy:

  1. Go to google.com/business/
  2. Sign in or set up an account
  3. Fill in profile information
  4. Confirm your business profile
  5. Manage and promote the listing

Getting lots of reviews is a phenomenal way to amplify your local reach. Reach out to customers and ask that they do a review. You could add inserts to orders or follow-up emails to encourage these reviews, too.

Leverage Local Platforms

GMB is one of many business platforms you can be on. Be sure to also check out sites like Yelp, Angie’s List, BBB, and Glassdoor.

You could also build a presence on:

  • Social media
  • Local forums
  • Bulletin boards
  • Sponsorships
  • Coupon books

Funnel interested parties back to your site or social accounts. Why? Because it’s easier to interact with them through online chat and emails. It also lets them dig into what you offer and creates a strong connection that could become a sale.

Amplifying Your Local Marketing Campaign

There is a lot to local marketing that goes beyond what’s covered here. Yet, if you can get these basics down then you’re already halfway to those business goals!

From here? Keep learning!

Absorb as much information about promoting your business as you see fit, and put tactics into action. Learn as you go and double-down on what works. This is what makes someone great at marketing their business!

As for the finer details of business? Check out the great blog posts on the site!