How to Sell Your Patches: 9 Ways You Can Sell for Better Business

Patches as a fashion statement have come back in a big way. People of all ages are adorning their clothes with embroidered patches that help them stand apart from the crowd.

This a great opportunity for entrepreneurs to get their product out there and turn a hobby into a business. However, this doesn’t happen overnight. You have to put in some work if you want your product to sell.

Fortunately, there are many ways for makers of custom patches to create a buzz and start making money.

If you need some tips on how to sell your custom patches, keep reading. We’re going over some tactics to help get your business off the ground.

1. Create a Website

Any business that wants to sell a product successfully needs an online presence. This all starts with a quality website.

You have a few options here. If you have the budget, you can have a custom website built by a professional designer. This will allow you to expose your patches to more people through strong search engine optimization.

However, if you can’t afford to spend too much upfront, there are still options. Look into online services that allow you to build your own site. These programs are user-friendly and even let you sell your products through the site.

Check out this company for a great example of a comprehensive, good-looking website geared towards selling patches.

2. Reach Customers Through Social Media

Reaching people through social media channels is a must for small entrepreneurs. It’s free and provides a number of ways of exposing people to your product.

Create a Facebook business page and include pictures of your patches along with information about you and your business. Make sure you tell people how they can buy your custom patches.

Instagram is also great for the fashion industry. Because it’s image-driven, you can easily show people what you’re offering and draw a larger audience through hashtags.

3. Inform Your Audience

Providing information about your product is a great way to pique people’s interest. It also lets people know they’re getting a quality product.

Add product information to all your promotional materials and make sure to include it on your website and social media pages. Include a short bio and talk about what goes into making your patches.

You should also inform your audience about the materials you use and include any care instructions. Another great idea is to provide techniques for adding your patches to clothing.

Don’t be afraid to interject some of your personality into this content. It just may help you make sales.

4. High-Quality Photos of Your Patches

Whether it’s print media or online, if you’re trying to sell products in the fashion industry, you must have high-quality photos.

People need to see your patches to get a sense of how they’ll look on their clothes. It’s important to ensure potential customers get a sense of the size of your patches, along with the intricate details.

Ask your friends if they’ll model clothes with your patches on them. This is a great way to entice customers to buy.

Good photos are also essential when selling your product online. If people can’t see your patches, they’ll be less likely to order from you.

5. Local Arts and Craft Shows

For small entrepreneurs just starting out, local arts festivals and craft shows are a must. This is a great way to sell your patches and get your name out there.

When participating in these events, make sure you set up an interesting display. You need to attract people’s eye.

You also need to have marketing materials on hand to give out. A small, well-designed card with all your contact information is perfect for an art show. Make sure and also include your website and social media contact information.

6. Professional Packaging

Making your product look as professional as possible is important when just starting out. Look into simple, yet high-quality packaging for your patches.

Include care instructions in along with your contact information. Go the extra mile and get custom price tags made.

Good packaging helps build trust in your customers’ eyes. They’re more likely to buy from you again and recommend your patches to others.

7. Look for Sponsorships

The internet, especially social media, has changed the way people promote products. Finding influencers who are willing to back up your patches is a great way to reach a larger audience and sell your product.

Look for fashion bloggers who have a large following and ask if you could run an ad on their blog. You could also ask them to promote your patches and use a discount code. This means they get paid each time one of their followers uses the code to buy your product.

Instagram is now a big platform for influencer marketing. Look for fashion influencers with lots of followers and see if they’ll promote your patches. This is a great way to reach a larger audience.

8. Pay Attention to Pricing

What you charge for your patches is very important, especially if you’re just starting out.

When selling handmade items, it’s important not to charge too much. Doing so will quickly drive business away. On the other hand, you have to charge enough to make your business profitable.

This means you need research what your competitors charge. It may be beneficial to offer lower prices at first and then adjust what you charge based on customer response.

9. Promotional Items

Every small business needs promotional material to help keep people interested and reach new customers. We talked about business cards, but you need to take it a little further.

Start compiling an email list of current and potential customers right away. This will allow you to send out a newsletter when new products are available. You should also offer occasional discounts.

Because you’re in the fashion industry, you should also consider having t-shirts made that promote your business.

Think Big When Considering How to Sell Your Patches

As a small business, it’s important you make a big impact. You can do this with bold marketing tactics, a solid online presence, and a high-quality product.

When thinking about how to sell your patches, keep the tips discussed above in mind. You’ll quickly be on your way to establishing a fruitful business.

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