New Dog Owner Guide: Essential Products Every Owner Needs

Whether your new dog is adopted or a baby, they will go through a significant adjustment period the first 6 to 8 weeks in their new home.

Their first few weeks in a new home can be a time of high stress and anxiety. So how can you help them feel more at home?

Sometimes it can be as simple as having all the essentials for your new best friend. Keep reading for the new dog owner’s guide on the 10 essentials you’ll need to make your dog feel at home.

1. Bed

The best thing you can do for your new dog is create a space that’s theirs.

Getting a nice bed for them is key for that. Find a space that works for you. This will be your furry friend’s go-to spot when they just want to relax.

You may want to keep it somewhere where your dog will still feel included. Central rooms like the living room, kitchen, or TV room are great options.

Keep in mind that you’ll be needing to wash this bed pretty frequently. So finding something with a removable cover will be a big help. Keeping this cozy bed clean and comfy will be a huge help during your new dog’s adjustment period.

2. Crate

Another dog necessity is their crate that they sleep and travel in.

There are lots of theories on whether to crate train your dog or not, but regardless of which decision you make, having one is very important.

Some dogs feel comforted by being in a small, enclosed space. It is their form of nesting. This could help provide some comfort to a dog who may be a little more anxious.

And if you plan to travel with your dog, plastic crates are the only accepted ones on airlines. And you can make them a very comfy resting space for your new dog by adding a bed, toys, and blankets for them to snuggle up to.

3. Collar with Tags

Your dog’s safety is the number one priority. And part of ensuring they are safe is helping others know where their home is.

As soon as possible, be sure to order tags for your dog. These should say your dog’s name, the address of his or her home, and a phone number to reach you at. This is so a stranger could get in touch with you if for some reason your dog got lost or ran away.

You’ll need a collar to attach these tags to, as well. This can be something fun and cute, but make sure to also consider comfort. Having something that’s a little wider, for example, will be less likely to hurt your dog if they lunge or pull on your walks.

4. Leash

The leash you pick should have both you and your dog’s comfort in mind.

You want to be sure whichever leash you get that you have good control while your furry friend feels comfortable to have a fun walk.

Retractable leashes are great options for being able to allow your dog to run free or stay close by. However, nylon leashes tend to be great for smaller, lighter weight dogs.

Try a few options out and see what you feel most in control with, then try it out with your dog to see how they feel.

5. Food and Bowls

Your new pup is gonna need their own designated dinner spot.

This can be a fun decision where you can pick something that reflects their personality. Just keep in mind that you will need to wash the food and water bowls now and then, so finding something dishwasher friendly may be an easier option.

You can either get two separate bowls or two bowls that attach together, making it harder for your new dog to knock it over and make a mess.

Remember that your new puppy will grow, so if their bowls are a little big to begin with, it may be better in the long run.

6. Treats

Being able to reward your furry friend for a job well done is major in those first few weeks of training.

Get a few options of different treats for your new pup. This will be a little bit of trial and error, as you’ll have to see which ones your dog ultimately falls in love with.

Reward them when they use their crate, go to the bathroom in the right spot, or even interact more with you as they get more comfortable.

This is a great way to let your new dog know that they are in a safe and happy home.

7. Shampoo

Dogs will be dogs. And getting into big messes is one of their guilty pleasures.

Make sure you have some dog shampoo on hand so you can take care of the mess before it becomes a bigger one. It’s important to get something gentle and natural, as dog’s eyes and ears are very sensitive.

Keep them smelling fresh and looking good. They may seem like they hate you while you’re bathing them, but just wait til you see how excited they are to run around the house once you’re done.

8. Brush

Brushing your dog may sound unnecessary. But it’s actually really good for them and you.

Especially as it gets warmer out, dogs will shed. But sometimes the hair builds up and doesn’t actually fall off.

Keep the heat off of your furry friend and make sure to brush them out when those changes in weather happen. Check out Pet’s Finest for some great options of dog brushes and any other grooming tools you may need to tame their mane.

9. Toys

The best medicine for doggie stress? Going out and playing with some toys.

Make sure you’ve got a stash of toys for your new pup to play with to help them feel at home.

This can also help prevent them from turning something into a toy that probably shouldn’t be. Keep them away from mom’s stash of shoes by giving them their very own stash of fun things to chew on and throw around.

10. Heartworm, Flea, & Tick Medicine

Prevention is gonna be key for your new dog.

Starting them on some heart worm, flea, and tick medicine is extremely important for their health.

Talk to your vet about which options are best for your dog and how often they should be taking it.

New Dog Owner Guide To a Happy Pup

Your new dog may need some time to adjust, but by following this dog supplies list, you’ll be sure to help him or her feel right at home in no time.

Even if they start out nervous and anxious, following this new dog owner guide will really make a difference in how quickly they warm up to you and their new home.

And for more on dog services, health, or any other business services, check out our site so you can find the best providers in your area.

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