How to Choose the Best Halfway House

Alcohol Use Disorder affects upwards of 15.1 million adults in the United States. If you’re one of the 15.1 million who are struggling to stop or control alcohol use, you may have thought about seeking outside treatment to help you on your path to recovery.

Want to know why living this environment is a good way to receive the extra motivation and support you need? Well, you’ve come to the right place.

In this post, we’ll learn what a halfway house is, how living in one can help you have a successful recovery, and how to choose the best one for you.

What Is a Halfway House?

These are residences for sober living allow addicts who are still in recovery to receive extended support, motivation, and encouragement from others who are also recovering.

They also provide their residents with an opportunity to continue to work on the coping and life skills they may have learned during other forms of treatment.

If you want to have as much success during your recovery and truly reap the benefits of sobriety, you have to find the right one for you – just like any other program.

Below, we’ll go into detail regarding some important things to keep in mind when you’re looking for the right house for you.

Rules and Structure

Like any type of drug or alcohol recovery program, each house is going to have a different set of rules and a specific structure for residents. The best houses will consistently enforce all of their rules.

For example, they will often have rules regarding the use of substances both on and off of the house premises. They may also have a set structure requiring each resident to attend a regular 12-step meeting.

If residents fail to adhere to the rules of the house, they may be asked to leave and told not to return.

While it may seem like a harsh punishment, it’s important to remember that the actions of those in recovery affect more than just the person themselves. They may end up triggering or endangering other residents, and no one wants that. As such, the best halfway houses will not stray from the rules and structure they’ve worked hard to establish.

Another important thing to note is that halfway houses aren’t meant to be an easy way for recovering addicts to just stay away from temptation and get some R&R. On the contrary, in fact. Residents of halfway houses will be held to high standards and expected to contribute to regaining their independence.

As an example, they may achieve this by actively searching for employment opportunities or doing other things like looking for permanent housing options.

The House’s Location

One of the most important things to consider when selecting a house is its location. If you neglect to pay any mind to the location, you may find yourself in a house that’s located near a location which may trigger occurrences such as a relapse.

If you can find one that will let you be near family and friends, that will be especially beneficial. During recovery, you’re going to need all of the love and support you can get – and it’s much easier to receive that when you’re in close proximity to those you love.

However, some will find staying close to family or friends to be triggering. If you believe that’s going to be the case for you, or you are newly recovering, you might want to consider finding a house that is further away from those you know. By giving yourself some distance, you’ll be able to get the fresh start you’re likely longing for.

Licensing and Regulations

If you’re new to recovery and are searching for a sober place to reside, you might think that all of these houses are going to be regulated by local laws or those of your state. However, that would be a foolish assumption, because the licensing and regulation of halfway houses will vary from one state to the next.

Believe it or not, there have been instances of these houses being operated by shady landlords who just want to make some quick cash. Houses like this won’t have the rules or structure necessary for their residents to truly be successful in their recovery efforts.

To avoid finding yourself in one of these, be sure to check that the house has the necessary licensing it needs to operate. You’ll also want to make sure it’s staffed by professional individuals who are not in recovery themselves and are able to supervise residents 24/7, if necessary.

Your Budget

Finally, you’ll want to ensure that the halfway house you decide on will fit your budget. Of course, receiving the treatment you need is critical, but you don’t want to be looking for bankruptcy services once it ends, either.

If you’re looking for a halfway house independently, you’ll have to cover the costs on your own, too, in addition to finding a house to reside in. Keep this in mind when you’re doing research, and you’ll be able to leave the house with your sobriety and finances intact.

If you can manage that, becoming independent will be a whole lot easier.

Find Success on Your Road to Recovery

If you’re finally seeking the help you need, congratulations.

To find the best halfway house for your needs, evaluate the rules and structure, location, any licensing and regulations, and finally, your budget. Once you have found a house that you feel is right for you, contact them and ensure that you’ll be able to avail of their services.

Need more resources, like how to find a halfway house in New Jersey? Give our search function a go.

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