Keeping Track of Patient Information: How to Keep Good Clinical Records

Few things are as crucial to a medical enterprise’s daily operations are patient records. After all, think about it. Patient records are not only crucial to correctly diagnosing patient problems and treating them correctly, but many aspects of these records are required by various legislation that regulates the medical industry.

A failure to keep detailed, organized clinical records could significantly negatively impact your healthcare business. You could open yourself up to a lawsuit, mistreat a patient, or worse.

But you probably already know about the importance of proper medical documentation. What you may not know, however, is how to go about medical record keeping. It’s hardly an intuitive process.

Fortunately for you, we’ve written this article. In it, we’ll go over some simple strategies that you can begin implementing today for more organized clinical records.

Use the Right Software

First things first: it’s time to bring yourself into the 21st century. If you’re still using paper folders and filing cabinets for your clinical record needs, then you are way behind the times. You need to step it up.

Technology has impacted just about every facet of every business’s operations in every market. This is perhaps nowhere truer than in the medical industry. Subsequently, there are hoards of different options on the market you can choose to assist you in your quest for medical record keeping.

Start with a tool that automates as much of the documentation-creation process as possible. An AI-powered tool like DeepScribe would be ideal. Artificial intelligence technology can leverage predictive technology to improve its transcribing of a patient visit. This translates into better records with even less manual effort.

Once you have the documentation recorded correctly, it’s time to use a cloud-based platform to store the data. There are many different options on the market, but iCloud is a particularly popular one because of its ease of use and built-in integrations with Apple devices.

Build a Patient Portal

If you really want to take your patient documentation strategy to the next level, then it’s time for you to consider building a patient portal. A patient portal is an online interface that patients can use to schedule and log patient visits.

Related information is then automatically associated with their profile during the visit. This eliminates the need to manually save data and associate it with specific patients.

A patient portal can also help to increase patient loyalty. Having a profile on an online platform will make your customers feel more connected to the healthcare brand.

Patient portals are expensive, no doubt. But consider the increased customer longevity. Chances are, a patient portal could produce a significantly positive return on your investment.

How Will You Improve Your Clinical Records?

Now that you know how to improve your medical record keeping, there’s no excuse for you to have poorly organized or missing clinical records! 

For more tech advice, you’re in the right place. Be sure to take some time to check out the rest of the articles available on the website!