SEO Tips and Tricks That’ll Put Your Underground Construction Company Higher in the Search Engines

In the United States, the construction industry creates close to $1.3 trillion worth of structures annually. With so much competition, how will you stand out?

One of the best ways for underground construction companies to become more competitive is through search engine optimization (SEO). This is easier than you may think, and with a few changes, you can increase your search ranking. This makes it easier for potential customers to discover your business. 

Read on to learn the top SEO tips and tricks for your construction company.

Understanding SEO

If you’re new to SEO, you may not yet understand how important it is for your digital marketing strategy. Search engine optimization is about using strategies that help your construction website rank higher in the search engine results. 

This means that when your potential customers type in keywords related to your industry, your website will be one of the first things they see. The first page of Google captures up to 92% of the traffic, and the higher your website appears, the more traffic you’ll get. 

These days, you can’t afford to ignore SEO. Keep reading to learn how you can implement some easy changes to climb the rankings this year.

SEO Tips and Tricks for Your Business 

SEO helps increase traffic, but it also helps with brand awareness. Even if potential customers don’t click your website the first time they search, they’ll see your company’s website in the results. This means they’ll be more likely to click next time. 

If you work on your SEO, you’ll also find that your traffic is more qualified. That’s because you’re finding people who are already looking for your exact services. And that means you’ll have a higher conversion rate. 

Here are some top SEO suggestions for your construction business:

Speed It up

Google penalizes slow sites. But if your website is slow, you’ll also be losing potential customers as well. Not only do slow pages impact user experience, but those users will often abandon your site before it has finished loading.

This increases your bounce rate, which tells Google that it should be lower down in the search rankings. Pay attention to the speed of your site, and look for ways to make it faster. This can include removing plugins you don’t need, decluttering your sidebar, and ensuring all images are as small as possible.

Use Keyword Research

Any successful SEO strategy includes keyword research. You need to find which phrases and keywords people are searching online when they’re looking for a construction company like yours.

Make sure you include long-tail keywords. You can also see what your competitors are ranking for, and use these as a jumping off point. Just make sure that your keywords make sense to human readers- not just Google.

Create Great Content

Content should be a key part of your SEO strategy. Regularly creating content will show Google that your site is continually changing and growing, but it’s also an excellent way to attract potential customers to your website. 

If you haven’t yet created a blog on your website, now’s the time to do it. Then, you can keep it updated with company news, industry information, and helpful tips for your customers. 

These days, long-form content is generally more successful than quick-read blog posts. Don’t be afraid to delve deep into a particular topic to demonstrate your knowledge and thought leadership. For example, if your keyword is ‘Ditch Witch,’ you could create a blog post all about how to choose a ditch witch, or answer some of the top questions about the topic.  

Earn Backlinks

Backlinks are still super important for ranking. Think of them as a ‘vote’ from another website. When a website links to your site, you get link juice, and the higher ranked that website is, the better for your SEO.

Ideally, you’ll naturally gain backlinks. However, if your website is new, or you’re still in the process of developing your backlink strategy, you may want to try guest posting and press releases. 

Link Internally

Your internal linking is good for SEO in a number of ways. First, it helps Google when it’s crawling your site. 

These links also help visitors, who are likely to stay on your website for longer when they see you have more information related to their needs. 

Get Tagging

Meta descriptions and title tags are a key part of SEO. You can use your keywords within these tags to help customers easily find your website.

Meta descriptions should be concise, engaging, and encourage potential customers to click on your website. It’s a good idea to test your meta descriptions to see which ones work best for your business. 

Don’t Forget Local SEO

When people located near your business are searching for a construction company, you want to be at the top of the search results

That’s why local SEO is so important

One of the easiest ways to incorporate local SEO is by including plenty of location-orientated keywords in your site content, headings, and page titles. 

You should also register your business so it will show up on Google Maps. Include a contact page on your website, and claim local listings on Yelp, Bing, and Google My Business. 

Check for Mobile Optimization

These days, more searches are completed on mobile phones than on laptops. That’s why it’s so important that your site has been optimized for mobile. 

This will ensure your website looks great and is easy to use no matter what device your potential customers are using. Not to mention, Google is now prioritizing websites that are optimized for mobile. 

Wrapping up

As you can see, many of the above SEO tips and tricks are super easy to implement. And yet, they’ll have a massive impact on your search engine ranking if you incorporate them into your SEO strategy. 

Remember to keep your target customer in mind and write your content for both the search engines and your customers. 

Want to learn more about SEO? Check out some of our excellent blog posts about search engine optimization today.