How to Successfully Start a Home Furniture Business

You’re passionate about carpentry. You’ve taken several classes and have taught yourself the tricks of the trade.

You’re considering opening up a furniture business but are still on the fence. How do you go about achieving this goal?

Rest assured. From business license registration to providing an excellent customer experience, we’ve got you covered.

Read on to learn how to get your home furniture business off the ground and running!

But First, Ask Yourself the Right Questions

Before you jump in, it’s important that you’re fully engaged in making this dream a reality.

To help you with this, here are some important questions to ask yourself:

  • Imagine yourself owning and running a furniture business. Are you happy?
  • Are you in this for the long haul or want quick and instant success?
  • Do you just want to run this business for the money?
  • Do you have your finances in order to fund your business?
  • Do you have finances available to support yourself during the start-up phase?

Depending on your answers, you’ll gain a better sense if this career path is right for you.

Talk with a Regulatory Agent

Now that you’re fully invested, it’s time to find a regulatory agent.

A regulatory agent or representative will inform you on the types of permits and licenses you need to have to fully (and legally) operate your home furniture business.

In general, if you’re selling tangible goods, you’ll most likely need a sales tax permit.

And you’ll also need to register for a business license.

Location, Location, Location

Decide where you’re home furniture business will be. Will you rent a warehouse and sell online? Will you rent a storefront and sell the furniture from there?

Will you do both?

Knowing these answers beforehand will save you the time and hassle in buying that mantel shelf and wooden stools before having a space to store it.


Like with any business, you need marketing to gain customers. You’ll want to create a buyer persona.

To do that, answer these questions:

  • Where does your ideal customer’s vacation at?
  • What adjective would you use to describe your ideal customer’s living space?
  • How old is he or she?
  • What does he or she do for a living?
  • What’s his or her hobbies?

By getting into the nitty gritty details, you’ll learn what images and words appeal to your target audience. And, more importantly, what furniture he or she will buy.

Plus, what marketing methods reach out to your target audience the most.

For instance, you wouldn’t be putting all of your marketing efforts on Twitter if your target audience is 65+ male golfers.

You may take an ad out in the newspaper in addition to your social media efforts.

Providing the Best Customer Experience

Your marketing efforts may get your customer to walk in the door, but customer experience is what makes them stay and come back for more.

To ensure your customer is taken care of, always:

  • Be polite and understandable
  • Be honest (if you don’t have an answer, tell them you’ll find someone who does)
  • Be true to your word (if you say the furniture should be delivered by Thursday, make sure it’s delivered by Thursday)

Final Thoughts

From these steps, you should know what you need to do to get the ball moving to achieve your dream.

How is your furniture business coming? Do you have any more steps to add? Leave a comment below!

Also, be sure to check out our blog!

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